In a bizarre incident, a 30-year-old Nigerian man was stabbed to death allegedly by her girlfriend after a scuffle broke out between them over cooking dinner at her house in southwest Delhi’s Vipin Garden. The victim identified Eezu died due to excessive bleeding late in the night. The victim used to run an export business in Uttam Nagar while his girlfriend, Elvie Uzuma, manages a general store.
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Ujumma had asked Eezu to come over to her house in the afternoon, but soon a violent argument ensued between them. The two calmed down after neighbours intervened. However, the fighting resumed soon, to scare Eezu away, Ujjuma got a knife from the kitchen and asked him not to touch her. But when he again tried to attack her, she stabbed him repeatedly, police said.
In a state of panic, Eezu locked herself in another room. Half an hour later, she went to check on him and saw him bleeding badly. She then took him to hospital. Doctors, however, declared him dead on arrival, the police said, citing the account given by accused. Police are awaiting postmortem report for further clarity on Eezu’s death. Police have registered a case of murder registered against Uzuma and have informed the Nigerian High Commission here.
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Source: Times of India
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