Delhi Finance Minister and Deputy CM Manish Sisodia has presented the budget in state assembly on Wednesday. The budget session began on Tuesday with newly-appointed Governor Anil Baijal’s address outlining AAP government’s work in last two years. In 30 minute-long speech, the Governor highlighted the work of the AAP government with education and health as the highlight areas. “Five new schools have been opened, while five others have been upgraded. Construction of 20 new schools and 8,000 classrooms are underway,” he said.Baijal also said that 1,000 mohalla clinics will come up in the next six months. “Around 122 polyclinics will be built in the next one year,” he said.
Here are the highlights:
1:43 pm: Rs 723 crore was refunded to the businessmen. this is Delhi’s third consecutive zero tax budget: Manish Sisodia.
1:42 pm: No new tax included for the fiscal year 2017-18. We reduced tax slabs. This year, we’ll cut tax on other things such as sanitary napkins. 12.5 per cent tax on sanitary napkins over Rs 20 will be reduced to 5 per cent
1: 41 pm: Rs 3,113 crore allocated for housing and slums. To build roads and drains in unauthorised colonies of Delhi, Rs 300 crore were allocated for this project: Manish Sisodia.
11: 35 pm: Public will get to know how, where, when their hard-earned tax money is being utilized/spent by the Govt.: Sisodia
1: 32 pm: Sisodia announced plan for single window system for film shooting in Delhi, says riverfront along Yamuna to be developed; allocates Rs 119 crore for tourism and culture.
1:28 pm: For solar energy, the Delhi government will use the rooftops of Del1: Sisodia announces construction of new vegetable and fruit bazar, flower market, etc. Delhi government to construct ‘chhatt ghats’ in 2017-16.
1:27 pm: We will continue to give subsidy to battery-operated vehicles. Delhi forest cover has increased by one percent i.e. about 600 acres.
1:26 pm: 19,000 new toilets will constructed to rid Delhi of open defecation
1:25 pm: Delhi government is working towards slum-free city. We are also trying to provide affordable housing to slum dwellers. We have so far provided homes to 5,000 people so far.
1:24 pm: We are working on storing water using Rain Water Harvesting technique. One such project has started in Burari: Sisodiahi residents.
1:23 pm: 8000 new toilets to make Delhi free of open defecation.
1:22 pm: Budget for Delhi Commission for Women increased by three times.
1:20 pm: 2,108 crore allotted to the development of Yamuna and sanitation across Delhi.
1:19 pm: Two elevated BRT corridors at Anand Vihar Terminal to Peeragarhi and the other from Wazirabad to Airport.
1:19 pm: Consultants appointed for elevated corridors include Barapullah Nallah phase-II from Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium to INA (Aurobindo Marg), Barapullah Nallah phase-III from Sarai Kale Khan to Mayur Vihar.
1:17 pm: Water production will be done via water harvesting system.
1: 14 pm: Drinkable water from taps will be done across Delhi, water will be provided for 24 hours: Sisodia
1: 13 pm:Pipeline across Delhi one of the focus of 2017-18.
1:12 pm: Portable water to all. Every house in Delhi gets 20 kilo litres of portable water. 12 lakh houses have got Rs 0 bill.
1:10 pm: Delhi Mahila Aayog has done an excellent job in last two years.
1:09 pm: Government work is not only spending the budget money but to ensure productive outcomes/results of the expenditure
01:08 pm: Deputy Chief minister – “ I urge MCD to improve the functioning in order to avoid any economic calamity.
01:07 pm: AAP Govt proposes Rs. 1718 cr to Local authorities for Urban development, Health, Education and transport sector
01: 06 pm: AAP govt has decided not to reclaim the funds owed by North, East MCD in 2016, 2017 due to their bad financial state
1:05 pm: Rs 5,736 crore allocated for the health sector in 2017-18.
1: 03 pm: Early childhood learning centres will also be opened. In a child’s first 2-6 years, if we concentrate on their learning abilities and develop those, it will benefit.
1:00 pm: All cluster buses and DTC buses will get electronic ticketing machines.
12: 55 pm: Rs 182 crore for extra computers in Delhi Government schools. Teachers to get Tablets to track student progress.
12:53 pm: Tertiary, Secondary, Primary Sector contributed 82.26%, 14.84% and 2.9% respectively to Delhi’s GSV
12:50 pm: Rs 100 crore allocated for 400 new libraries in Delhi Government schools. Banana and boiled egg to be served in midday meals.
12: 49 pm: Delhi’s Per Capita Income grew from Rs.2,73,618 in 2015-16 to Rs. 3,03,073 in 2016-17: Manish Sisodia
12: 48 pm: 10,000 new classrooms proposed in next financial year. Nursery classes will start in 156 schools.
12: 45 pm: Special libraries for students of class 1 to class 5, Rs 17 crore allotted to it: Manish Sisodia
12: 44 pm: Delhi govt has started providing drinking tap water on pilot basis in 11 zones of Delhi Jal Board
12: 43 pm: Initiated the integration of Aadhar, Pan card, identity proof into a single
12: 42 pm: Increase in old age pension by Rs. 1,000 per month: Manish Sisodia
12:40 pm: AAP Govt has taken a historic step by increasing the salary of Guest lecture from Rs.17000-Rs.21000 to Rs.32000-Rs.34000
12:39 pm: Delhi govt ordered the audit of private schools. This resulted excess fee refund by more than 650 schools.
12:38 pm: Keeping transparency in admission of 25% reserved category for EWS category has been the great achievement for AAP Govt: Manish Sisodia
12:37 pm: Delhi government has linked Mohalla clinics with Night Shelters in order to provide medical facilities to the homeless: Manish Sisodia
12:36 pm: Demonetisation seems to be taken by spinning the coin. It affected the city badly. Despite note ban, Delhi’s GDP likely to increase.
12:35 pm: Delhi has around 266 night shelters out of which there is a provision of stay for 21724 homeless: Manish Sisodia
12: 34 pm: Delhi Government has started the development of 10 new world class night shelters for homeless people:
12: 32 pm: Regular skill courses such as Stitching, cooking, plumbing, beauty care is being provided by Delhi Gov night shelters : Manish Sisodia
12:30 pm: Delhi Government has started the development of 10 new world class night shelters for homeless people
12: 25: pm: Delhi Government has increased the pension for handicapped people and widow women from Rs.1,500 to Rs.2,500.
12:22 pm: Started the development of 10 new world class night shelters for homeless people
12:20 pm: For Semi-skilled labour, #AAP govt has increased the minimum wages from Rs 10,764 to 14,698 per month
12:15 pm: For unskilled labour, #AAP Govt has increased the minimum wages from 9,724 to 13,350 per month
12: 10 pm: Government’s work is to not only spend the budget money but to ensure outcomes/results of the expenditure
12:01 pm: For the 1st time, only categorization in budget is Capital & Revenue. Plan & Non-Plan Expenditure removed: Manish Sisodia
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