After going nude on Delhi streets, the Tamil Nadu farmers, who are protesting at Delhi’s Jantar Mantar over drought relief funds and waiver of farmers’ loans, today drank their own urine as a mark of protest, reported ANI. According to the report, the farmers claimed that they were doing so in protest against lack of drinking water in Tamil Nadu.
According to a Hindustan Times report, P Ayyakkannu, the state president of the National South-Indian Rivers Linking Farmers’ protest said, “We are not getting water to drink in Tamil Nadu, and PM Modi has been ignoring our thirst. So, we will have to quench our thirst with our own urine.”
Ayyakkannu is leading the farmers’ protest. He reportedly said that they can’t even sleep for longer hours as they wake up at 4 or 5 am to come up with different ways to highlight our plight.
These farmers have been protesting at the Jantar Mantar in the national capital since March 14. They are protesting to demand a drought relief package of Rs 40,000 crore, farm loan waiver and setting up of Cauvery Management Board by the Centre.
In order to grab attention of the authorities, the farmers have used human skulls in their protest and protested naked in front of the Prime Minister’s residence. The farmers have claimed that the skulls they carried with them were of those farmers who had committed suicide previously.
Apart from all this, they have also worn sarees, shaved their heads and faces and even conducted mock funerals to garner the attention of politicians.
(With PTI inputs)
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