In a shocking incident, a 22-year-old youth entered the house of a girl and shot her in south Delhi’s Malviya Nagar after the girl had rejected his marriage proposal. According to reports, the cops, after arresting the youth had registered a case of attempt to murder but changed it into a murder case after the woman succumbed to her gunshot wounds later that day.
The deceased woman, Sonam, used to work at a beauty salon in Saket and it was here that Manoj, a resident of Dakshinpuri first saw her. He began following her and even sending text messages on her phone.
According to a Times of India report, family members of the woman told the cops that Sonam initially replied to his messages out of courtesy, but when she came to know that he was involved in a gambling racket, she stopped communicating with him.
A few days ago, Manoj phoned Sonam’s employer and asked her to convey to the woman a message about his willingness to marry her. The deceased woman’s brother, Amit, said on May 13.
Sonam rejected her proposal down, however, Manoj threatened to teach her a lesson. Around midnight on Thursday, he reached Sonam’s house with two friends and called out to her. She was sleeping on a cot outside the house and as soon as she woke up, they opened fire at her. Hearing the gunshots, other family members also woke up but were threatened against doing anything.
Sonam died in Max Hospital on Friday evening. Cops nabbed Manoj within five hours of the crime. The cops said they had identified the two other youths involved in the act and raids were being carried out to track them.
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