Four including a 50 year old Delhi government employee were arrested on Wednesday in connection with the murder of teenager Junaid Khan on a Mathura-bound train in Ballabhgarh. With the latest arrest the number of suspects arrested in the case has reached five, however, the man who stabbed Junaid is still on run.
“We have arrested four more persons, including three youths, aged between 24 and 30 years and a 50-year-old man,” Kamaldeep Goel, the Superintendent of Police (SP), Government Railway Police (GRP), Faridabad, told PTI over phone. He did not divulged the identity of those arrested. However, he said one of the accused is an employee of Delhi government. He further added that the person who stabbed Junaid to death has been identified and the police is raiding various places to arrest him. 16-year-old Junaid Khan , who was returning home to Khandawli village in Ballabgarh after shopping for Eid, was stabbed to death on a train last week by a mob who accused him and his three companions of carrying beef in their bags. Goel said that it had come to fore that the 50-year-old man had entered into an altercation with Junaid and his brothers over seat sharing.
“He then passed some remarks hurting the victims’ religious sentiments. Our investigations reveal that this 50-year-old man entered into an argument with the victim and his brothers from Okhla over seats. “However three youths who had boarded the train at New Town Faridabad station also got involved in the quarrel with the 50-year-old man egging them on,” Goel said.
Earlier today, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar condemned the incident. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event, Khattar said the government would not allow anyone to take the law in their hands.
Earlier on Wednesday evening, Thousands across Delhi and several other cities poured in support of the social media spurred campaign ‘Not in my name’ to protest the recent spate of lynchings of Muslims and attacks on Dalits.
The #NotInMyName protest in Delhi. Young, old, Muslims+ Hindus- everyone I spoke to says India can’t become a nation for the majority Hindus
— Neha Poonia (@NehaPoonia) June 28, 2017
The #NotInMyName protest in Delhi. Young, old, Muslims+ Hindus- everyone I spoke to says India can’t become a nation for the majority Hindus
— Neha Poonia (@NehaPoonia) June 28, 2017
Indians say ‘Not in my name’ at Jantar Mantar #NotInMyName
— Vinay Kumar Dokania (@vinaydokania) June 28, 2017
____ __ _____ __ __ __ ____… #NotInMyName
— Amit Mishra (@Amitjanhit) June 28, 2017
Amidst the swaying palms and the pouring rains, Mumbai braved it to say #NotInMyName
— Soumik Sen (@bangdu) June 28, 2017
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