Delhi Police busted a five-member robbery gang in southwest Delhi’s Najafgarh that had a massed a fortune by targetting delivery boys of e-retailers. Police on June 1 arrested three members identified as Hemant alias Laddu (18), Sunil and Mohit aka Tony both aged 19. Two of the accused are still on the run. The gang had reportedly placed 50 online orders through two e-commerce sites in four months. Investigators are still trying to figure out how many delivery boy got robbed by them.
The modus operandi of these alleged thugs was unique. Before committing robbery, they first stole bikes and rode around neighbourhoods to snatch smart phones from pedestrian. Using the stolen phones, they placed online orders of goods to e-retailers.They deliberately gave fake address to avoid detection and mislead the delivery man. Unable to trace the address. the delivery man would call the robbers who then took him to a remote place where he could be robbed, reported Hindustan Times.
In fact the robbers were tech savvy also. they had installed CCTV to avoid detection.
“They have CCTV cameras in their homes. The live feed is connected to their mobile phones and they monitor every visitor … so that they could run during a police raid.” Deputy commissioner of police (Outer) MN Tiwari told Hindustan Times.
However, their plan to not get noticed failed after they robbed at gunpoint a delivery van carrying goods in the Najafgarh area on May 28.
They had ordered a pair of shoes and waylaid the van when it came to deliver the order. According to police, the vehicle was taken to an isolated place and the parcels were shifted to another vehicle. A hunt was launched after van driver Sikander and courier boy Saurav informed police about the armed robbery. A tip-off led police to the robbers, waiting on two stolen bikes near Anaj Mandi in Najafgarh to commit a similar crime.
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