Delhi Police recovered a severely damaged body of a man on the Dhuala Kuan – Naraina road. A 35-year-old got killed after a vehicle hit him on February 15 and the dead body kept lying on the road but it turned into shocking nightmare when other passing by vehicles crushed the body so badly that corpse was scattered within a range of few meters.
However, after the autopsy report, it turned out that the man was not killed by multiple vehicle instead a big truck might have hit him. As per the report, the body could have probably been dragged by a 16 -wheel truck. Police told, they got the information about the mutilated body lying on the Kirbi Place crossing at around 12:05 in the night.
When asked if the body has been recognised by someone, a senior police official told, “We have not found any note or identity proof on the body”. He added, victim had put on a white shirt and black trousers, there is also a possibility that he lived near the place where accident happened. Surender Kumar, DCP (southwest) said that efforts are being made to know the identity of the man.
As per the report published by ministry of road transport in India, approximately 146,133 people were killed in road accidents in the year 2015 and around 400 deaths take place on roads every day. Transport Minister, Nitin Gadkaru had said, “accidents are killing more people in India than terrorism or natural disasters and yet we never talk about them. There has been a negligible impact on reducing the number of deaths despite our best efforts in the past two years”.
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