A private hopital in Delhi has been slapped a fine of Rs 30 lakh for gross violation of medical rules. Delhi State Consumer Commission reprimanded Shree Jeewan hospital for allowing a pharmacist instead of doctor to carry out the delivery of a woman, who while performing the operation left a needle inside her uterus.
The case goes back to 2009, when Rubina who was pergant with her third child, was admitted to Shree Jeewan Hospital for delivery and the doctor left a needle in her uterus as a result she suffered severe bleeding and traumatic painful night in the hospital. Next day x-ray was conducted which revealed that a needle had been left in her uterus. Then the doctors performed surgery to remove the needle. Another ultrasound two months later revealed that her uterus had actually retroflexed. Her ordeal did not just end there. She was left with multiple medical complications that are still uncured.
The woman filed a complaint at consumer court demanding compensation. “The bed sheets and packs were changed several times due to the profuse bleeding. No doctor paid any heed to the excessive bleeding and unbearable pain,” the patient had argued through her counsel.
“Instead of employing a qualified doctor who draws a salary around Rs 2 lakh, the hospital is getting the job done by a pharmacist. How many such episiotomy wounds (surgical cut made to ease a difficult delivery) have been stitched by pharmacist Dr Raheen is anybody’s guess,” Times of India quoted commission members NP Kaushik and Salma Noor as saying.
Speaking to India Today, Rubina said, “I cannot stand for long in the kitchen, nor can I climb the staircase. Even now, every month, I spend close to Rs 4,000 on the treatment of my uterus. The infection has been consistent for nine years. I am facing multiple health problems because of this. The hospital is taking my husband run from pillar to post for the compensation and is even harassing us. I was operated by an unqualified staff, and now they have stooped so low.”
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