With Bharatiya Janata Party scripting a historic victory in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal assembly polls, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar congratulated the saffron party adding that opposition said failed to sense that demonetisation gave satisfaction to poorer section of society.
Speaking to reporters on Sunday, the Bihar chief minister said that opposing parties ignored that demonetisation gave satisfaction to poor.
Nitish was the only leader in opposition who lent his support to demonetisation. His support to Prime Minsiter Narendra Modi’s initiative was largely seen as a hint to future realignment wit BJP. However, last month at a book release function in New Delhi, he did a u-turn and said it was a monumental mismanagement. Kumar also congratulated Congress for its win in Punjab and emerging as te largest party in Manipur and Goa.
BJP’s huge victory in UP and Uttarakhand polls have silenced his critics who have time and again targetted his leadership terming demonetisation as an economic blunder.
BJP and its allies bagged a whopping 324 seats in Uttar Pradesh assembly polls while Samajwadi Party- Congress alliance decimated to a hilt, the tie up only secured 54 seats. In Uttarakhand also BJP won 56 seats while Congress were restricted to 11 seats only.
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