Senior lawyer and former member of the Aam Admi Party (AAP), Prashant Bhushan on Thursday tweeted out a picture of a ‘newspaper article’ which is going viral on social media. The said newspaper article raised questions on the new Reliance Jio phone which is yet to be launched by the company. In the image, the article was headlined: “Country’s largest ever scam by Jio”.
The article shows that it is a clipping of a newspaper Dainik Ujala and stated that Reliance Jio has betrayed India as it has purchased 30 crore phones from China. While tweeting the image, Prashant Bhushan wrote: “Of course Modi’s call for ‘Make in India’ &; his Bhakts calls to boycott Chinese goods does not apply to Reliance. Jio!”.
Also Read: PhonePe is offering Rs 75 cashback to Jio users; here’s how you can claim it
However, the ‘newspaper’ clipping that is being widely shared on WhatsApp and social media has raised many doubts. Here is why the image looks FAKE:
1. The image is a photo of a newspaper from its online edition. But where is the digital format of this newspaper ‘Dainik Ujala’? Generally, these images are PDFs which are posted on the website of the newspaper (in the E-newspaper format) as its online edition. However, any such article cannot be found on the internet.
2. In fact, even any such newspaper of the name “Dainik Ujaala” cannot be found on the internet. There is no information available on whether such a newspaper is even available.
3. The image shows “” as the newspaper’s website address printed on the right side of the clipping. But when searching for this website, there is no such website that could be found.
4.While there may be a possibility that the server of the website is down, even the domain under such a name has not been registered and is available for sale.
After Bhushan tweeted the image, many on Twitter tried to bring to his notice that the image is fake
@pbhushan1, Is there a link to this article? does not exist. Your post is viral but how do we believe this source?
— BOOM FactCheck (@boomlive_in) August 24, 2017
Picture seems to be fake. #RemoveBeforeItsLate
— Rishav Jain (@jainrishav) August 25, 2017
आपियो वालेे गुण गए नही अभी ।
फोटोशॉप और फ़र्ज़ी खबर को सच बना के प्रसारित करो और बेवकूफो की फौज की वाहवाही लूटो 😀— Chirag Kapoor (@chirag_kapoor) August 25, 2017
Blatant lying and misleading this.The fact is that the phones are made in Taiwan.A country that doesn’t get along with China well.
— Harshraj Gohil (@gohilhr) August 24, 2017
(Source: Hoax Slayer)
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