People do drugs, whether they admit it or not is a personal choice. Also, they will probably continue to do so in the near future. So instead of brushing away the topic and frown on those who take drugs, it is important that you start a conversation and not just whisk away the issue as a no-brainer. While we do not promote any sort of consumption of drugs, we do believe in stating the correct facts. For decades, Marijuana has been one of the most abused drugs in the world. The effects that Marijuana has on people is debatable, but did you know it also contains a number of medicinal properties?
Consumption, distribution, and possession of marijuana is illegal in India. However, many parts of the United States of America, as well as countries like Spain, Switzerland, and Holland, have legalised the drug. In fact, celebrities including Miley Cyrus, Rihanna, and Jack Black have demanded legalisation of Marijuana.
Here are 7 medical benefits of Marijuana you probably had no idea about:
Yes, the marijuana smoke, like tobacco smoke, contains carcinogens. But studies have proven that it also has tons of medical benefits. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) which is one of the federal government sponsored agencies, had recently said that the cannabis can damage or kill cancer cells. It has also been noted that Marijuana is effective when it comes to helping patients get over nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.
It helps in treating Glaucoma
It can help in treating Glaucoma that damages your eye’s optic nerve and the extra fluid collected increases the pressure in your eye. According to a studying conducted by the National Eye Institute, Marijuana can help lower the pressure building up inside the eye. This can help prevent blindness. “Studies in the early 1970s showed that marijuana, when smoked, lowered intraocular pressure (IOP) in people with normal pressure and those with glaucoma,” an excerpt from the research read as.
Reduces tremor and pain among Parkinson’s disease patients
Marijuana helps in slowing and soothing the tremor caused by Parkinson’s disease which mainly affects the motor system. The main symptoms of Parkinson’s disease including shaking, slowness in movement and finding it difficult to walk. Researchers from Israel have claimed that smoking Cannabis may help in reducing and help the patients suffering from Parkinson’s to get some sleep.
Cannabis can cure Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that causes severe abdominal pain and diarrhea. Did you know that in the US you can now get a consultation from a doctor and go get a certain dosage of marijuana to treat certain issues? One of them happens to be the Crohn’s disease. As per various studies, Marijuana apparently kills the bacteria and betters the intestinal function.
Helps in Seizure disorders
A study by Virginia Commonwealth University asserted that the ingredients in Cannabis can help in regulating the central nervous system and help in controlling the seizures. While it’s unclear as to what actually causes seizures, a number of diseases including stroke, Cancer, and very low blood sugar can cause seizures.
Relieves Migraine headaches
A new study from Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Colorado found that Marijuana is very effective in curing Migraine pain. The teams review results of 121 participants and collaborated a data according to which 11.6% of them reported that cannabis stopped migraine headaches.
Cannabis could help in preventing Alzheimer’s
As per recent studies, led by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute revealed that the THC may actually slow down the production of amyloid plaques that lead to Alzheimer’s disease. Some studies have proved that smoking pot could improve memory in old people.
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