Veteran actor Anupam Kher has vented out his ire over a video that showed an Indian security personnel exercising restraint despite being attacked by a Kashmiri youth. The 62-year-old actor took to social media to express his anger over the video that highlights the kind of agitation our soldiers face in the valley.
“Had the soldiers wanted, they could have easily thrashed the youth. What is even more shameful is that some people are trying to cover up the crimes of the youth in the valley under the shroud of human rights, saying they are misled. I agree majority of them do not think the same way about our soldiers but when a video like this goes viral, it is very important to react because it makes me livid.” he said in a video posted on Twitter.
As a peace loving person I may applaud our soldiers for their restraint. But I still want to say, "Don't take panga with our soldiers."__
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPkher) April 14, 2017
“I feel very angry not just because I am an Indian but on humanitarian grounds as well. It’s time to expose all those pseudo-intellectuals who keep talking about the incidents happening in Kashmir, But they should realise this is also the reality.”
“You can very well imagine if such things are happening with the soldiers, what they actually did 27 years ago with armless, innocent Kashmiri Brahmins and Kashmiri Pandits. I am feeling so angry that I cannot even speak.”
“It’s time to get together and expose not only these fringe elements or these terrorist-loving people but also those people who do not comment when something like this happens.”
He concluded the video with ‘Jai Hind’.
This is Unacceptable ! Cant do this to our CRPF jawaans .This rot has to stop. Badtameezi ki hadd hai.
— Virender Sehwag (@virendersehwag) April 13, 2017
Earlier, Gautam Gambhir and Virender Sehwag had come out in support of the CRPF jawans who were attacked by stone pelters in Srinagar during elections in the Kashmir valley. Sehwag took to social media and tweeted, “This is Unacceptable! Cant do this to our CRPF jawaans.This rot has to stop. Badtameezi ki hadd hai.”
While Gambhir went a step ahead and demanded 100 jihadi heads for each slap on an Indian soldier
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