Three years and exactly three days since Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Bajirao Mastani hit the screens, the movie has found a new but high-profile fan, miles away from its country of origin. On Friday, billionaire tech entrepreneur Elon Musk professed his love for Bhansali’s magnum opus, starring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, through a tweet.
Musk shared the YouTube link to Bajirao Mastani‘s song, ‘Deewani Mastani’ along with a GIF of Ranveer’s foot-tapping song, ‘Malhari’, from the same movie.
This is what he wrote:
Bajirao Mastani
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 21, 2018
On Saturday evening, this is how Deepika Padukone responded to Musk:
— Deepika Padukone (@deepikapadukone) December 22, 2018
It’s only natural that most of India spontaneously fell in love with Musk as soon as his tweet went viral. We want Musk to like Bollywood movies so much that streaming platform Eros Now cleverly replied to his tweet, graciously telling him that the movie was available on their site.
Hey Elon Musk, you can watch Bajirao Mastani on #ErosNow.
— Eros Now (@ErosNow) December 21, 2018
OMG! Thank you @elonmusk @RanveerOfficial will be over the moon
— Shobha Sant (@ShobhaIyerSant) December 21, 2018
Indian media be like
— wanderlust (@EssVii) December 21, 2018
All of India right now.
— Abhishek Murarka (@abhymurarka) December 21, 2018
And then there were those who thought this was Musk’s way of tapping into the Indian market:
Tesla in India mission.
1: tweet about indian song.
2: let every indian talk about you.
3: come to India with Deepak ahuja to convince ISRO to give patent for EV battery for ease of manufacturing.
4.make and sell Tesla.
Victory— Nachiket Upadhye (@nachuzone) December 21, 2018
even if @Tesla starts manufacturing in India, the general mindset here is Maruti=Tin Can sasti hai and average zyada deti hai, Tesla and other high quality cars manufacturers find it really tough to compete with price and at the same time provide quality product @MSArenaOfficial
— Bhuvan (@bsingh9392) December 22, 2018
“Deewani Mastani” was one of the most popular songs from the movie, which went on to win a national award for choreography. Interestingly, Bhansali had composed the music for both “Malhari” and “Deewani Mastani”.
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