A day after Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) leader Naseemuddin Siddiqui was expelled from the party, he accused BSP supremo Mayawati of taking money to give party tickets to the candidates and allegedly asked him to pay Rs 50 crore. He also released audio tape with his conversation with Mayawati. Naseemuddin Siddiqui said he was thrown out of the party on false allegations.
He said, “I and my son have been expelled from the party based on false allegations and if I expose secrets of Mayawati there will be an earthquake”. Naseemuddin Siddiqui said he knew he will be thrown out of the party one day.
After her party lost badly in the recently held assembly election in Uttar Pradesh, Naseemuddin Siddiqui said party supremo targeted Muslims and called them ‘betrayers’.
Naseemuddin quoted Mayawati as saying, “After elections in UP Mayawati called me to Delhi and asked me why the Muslims did not vote for the BSP? She also said that backward and upper caste also did not vote for us.”
He went on to say that Mayawati not only labelled Muslims as ‘betrayers’ but also used foul language against people from other caste and even insulted party founder Kanshi Ram.
Baad mein unho ne aur jaatiyon ko bhi bura bhala kaha. Kanshiram ji ka bhi apmaan kiya: Naseemuddin Siddiqui pic.twitter.com/NUR3Fq0ccs
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) May 11, 2017
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