In a shocking incident, farmers at the Chandni Chowk area in the Garhwal region of Dehradun discovered a bag filled with the old Rs 1000 currency notes. The value of the currency was in lakhs but all the notes were torn. The polyethene bag in which old currency was kept, got noticed when a woman who was working in the field saw it. The police was soon informed about it.
It seems that currency was torn after the announcement of demonetisation. Someone one cut the notes, filled them in a bag and threw them in a canal through which it arrived in the field. Seeing such a huge amount of money wasted, locals said that the person should not have done this, as the notes could have been used by others but now they are of no use to anyone.
Meanwhile, this is not the first time when a case like this has come to notice. After currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 were declared illegal tender on November 8 last year, old currency notes of Rs 500 and 1000 were found burnt in Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh. That was the second incident to take place within a month in the district. Earlier, a bag containing old currency notes was found floating in Ganga in the same district.
Many such cases were surfaced after the announcement of demonetisation, a similar incident took place last year in Maharashtra also when Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 old currency notes were found shredded and burnt in Akola town. Defunct currency notes were found half burnt near a residential area.
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