This Lok Sabha elections, politicians are getting creative to woo voters. On Friday, a group of 15-20 youngsters broke into a dance in the middle of a fruit market in Hyderabad. The flash mob dance was organised in support of Malkajgiri Congress candidate, A Revanth Reddy. The supporters wore a mask with Reddy’s face on it and danced to the lyrics “vasthunnadu vasthunnadu, Revanthanna vasthunnadu (arriving arriving, Revanth is arriving)”, much to the amusement of fruit sellers and buyers around.
The flash mob was also organised on a Metro from Kothapet to Dilsukhnagar and then to LB Nagar- and the video was shared on social media.
Speaking about the initiative, Nymisha Reddy, Revanth’s daughter said, “Entertainment is an important part of peoples lives. If my father holds a meet and tries to explain something, it is not always easy to get the message across. A flash mob is one of the best ways to grab people’s attention in a short period of time. It attracts people and keeps them talking about us.”
However, the flash mob also drew flak on social media as some questioned how the authorities allowed the youngsters to use cameras on the metro, despite photography being prohibited on its premises.
@hmrgov is such things permitted? If not take action. Not a healthy sign for safe transport, if they dance now with ten people, in future they can with 100 and wat will b the result? Who will b blamed for that? Don’t take this kind of things lightly.
— jayaprakash (@jayaprakash_JSP) April 5, 2019
In metro @hmrgov allowed this kind of things
— SRINIVAS G (@Srinivas111188) April 6, 2019
#Hyderabad Metro turns blind eye to Revanth Reddy’s flash mob electioneering via @TelanganaToday
— Srinivas Reddy K (@KSriniReddy) April 5, 2019
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