As Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan was returning after attending a function he had a special visitor on Sunday. Liyana Thejas, a fourth standard student of St Francis High School in Aluva, rushed to his car and surprised Vijayan by requesting him to allow her to make a ‘small contribution’ to those affected by the floods in the state. Liyana handed him her piggy bank savings for the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund along with the gold earrings she was wearing.
Surprised by the generosity of the child, Vijayan wrote about the incident in a Facebook post.
“The little girl ran towards me while I was about to return after attending the 90th birth anniversary of CPI(M) veteran MM Lawrence. She was waiting to give her piggy bank savings to the relief fund. When I was about to leave, she said ‘this too’ and removed the earring that she wore and gave it to me,” Vijayan wrote.
“No appreciations (sic) would be enough for this act of Liyana. It is an experience every day to see children like her and our children are the assets of new Kerala,” he wrote in the Facebook post. According to The New Indian Express Liyana had donated her piggy bank savings to CMDRF last year as well. However, this year, she wanted to directly hand over the savings to the CM.
Over 100 people have been killed and lakhs displaced in Kerala which has witnessed widescale devastation due to ravaging floods.
Flood-hit state finds their heroes
Like Liyana, flood-hit Kerala saw people giving up their saving for the relief work. Recently, a trader from Ernakulam, Noushad, had won the internet with this heartwarming gesture. Noushad, who owns a small garment shop, donated all the fresh stock he bought for the Eid sale to flood victims.
In a video that went viral Noushad was seen packing up clothes which had their price tags intact. “We don’t carry anything along while we depart from this world, My profit is in helping the needy. This is how I celebrate Bakr-eid,” Noushad said.
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