The Bharatiya Janata Party made a startling comeback in Uttar Pradesh on March 11 when the party won the state assembly elections bagging 325 seats in the 403 seat house. On March 19, Yogi Adityanath took over as the Chief Minister of the state. Today, state government completed one month in office. Applauding Adityanath, the BJP said that the welfare schemes initiated by the new dispensation have started “showing positive impact”.
“The people of the state have started realising that finally, they have a government which is dedicated to their cause. In just 30 days, the positive works of the government have started showing results,” the party’s state unit spokesperson Shalabh Mani Tripathi said.
In the past one month, several key decisions were taken by the government. Some of these include:
1.) Loan waiver for farmers: The state government waived off the loans of up to Rs 1 lakh of small and marginal farmers in the state in the first Cabinet meeting. The Cabinet also decided to write off Rs 5,630 crore in non-performing assets (NPAs) of 700,000 farmers. Both the waivers are likely to cost the government Rs 36,359 crore.
2) Anti-Romeo squads: Right in his second day in office, the Chief Minister announced setting up of anti-Romeo squads in the state to keep a check on eve teasing. This was one of the biggest and most polarising promises by the BJP announced in its election campaign. Over the days, there has been criticism of the squads on the condition that they will give a legal sanction to moral policing.
3) Closure of illegal slaughter houses: Soon after coming to power, the CM illegal slaughter houses announced a ban on illegal slaughter houses. The BJP had in its election manifesto stated that it would take strict steps to close down all illegal slaughterhouses. It had also promised banning mechanised slaughterhouses if it comes to power.
4) Electricity for all: Uninterrupted power supply in the state was one of the key poll promises on which the govt acting soon after coming to power. The state government provided 24-hour electricity to Shaktipeeths across Uttar Pradesh during the navaratri festival. The power department has been directed to ensure that defective or burnt transformers are replaced as soon as possible in rural areas so that agricultural operations do not suffer. ‘Power for All’ pact was also signed to meet the Centre’s target of making the state energy efficient by 2018.
5) Education overhaul: Yogi Adityanath has expressed his desire to introduce English in government schools from nursery instead of Class 6. As per the CM, the decision will blend nationalist and modern curricula. He has asked students to prepare an education roadmap to enroll more students in schools, check cheating in examinations and introduce foreign language options from class 10.
6) Consumption of pan masala and gutkha: Soon after an inspection in government offices, the CM ordered a ban on consumption of pan masala and gutka in offices. The 44-year-old chief minister gave the order after seeing betel-juice stained walls during his first visit to the secretariat annexe building in Lucknow. He also asked the staff to make the atmosphere in the building healthy and clean by avoiding the use plastic.
7) Making roads pot-hole-free: Appearing for the first time after taking charge as the CM, Adityanath declared that he had told the PWD officials to ensure that there are no potholes in the roads of the state by June 15. He has also asked officials to complete all works and projects within the prescribed time frame on a priority basis.
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