Chennai police on July 4 arrested a man for allegedly stealing the car of a businessman. The man has claimed that it was the businessman’s daughter who had planned the theft and urged him to steal the car adding that the girl was his Facebook friend.
The incident came to the light after the 47-year-old businessman registered a complaint with the police asserting that his vehicle had gone missing while assuming that it had been stolen from his garrage. The man reportedly had no idea about his daughter’s alleged involvement. The investigating officials claimed that they had initially suspected his daughter’s involvement due to contradicting statements that she was making.
“We probed the case and suspected, from early on, that Shanmugarajan’s daughter had something to do with the crime, because she made contradictory statements when speaking to us,” a police officer was quoted as saying. The girl had also made several calls to the man who allegedly carried the theft. The woman apparently told the man that she was in dire need of money but her father was refusing to give her the cash and further went to suggest that he could steal her father’s car.
“Chandru, a marking executive with a pharmaceutical firm, and the businessman’s daughter were friends on Facebook. The woman told Chandru she was in need of money but said her father refused to give her any cash. She suggested that Chandru steal her father’s Mahendra Xylo,” the police officer said.
Chandru used a duplicate key to open the car and took off with the vehicle in the night. He had reportedly kept the vehicle hidden in an empty storeroom in Vyasarpadi area and was planning to sell the car. He had also made a deal with an unidentified man. However, his plans to sell the car failed as the police arrested him before he could do so. The girl was let off with a warning by the police.
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