The Gurgaon Police today arrested the third accused in the gangrape case of a woman and killing of her infant daughter in Gurugram city of Haryana. Jaikesh was arrested from his hideout in Gurgaon, a day after the SIT of the Gurgaon Police arrested the other two accused from the city.
“The teams of SIT arrested Jaikesh from his hideout on the instance of his associates, Yogendra and Amit, from Gurgaon. A massive manhunt was launched last night,” ACP Manish Sehgal, PRO of the Gurgaon Police, told PTI.
The police yesterday nabbed Yogendra from his hideout here, while Amit was arrested a few hours later, Gurgaon
Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar said. The three had recently come to Gurgaon from Bulandshahr in western Uttar Pradesh for work. They were drivers and stayed in rented accommodations in Bas Khusla village, Gurgaon Police Commissioner Sandeep Khirwar said.
The shocking incident had occurred on May 29 when the young woman, after a fight with her husband and neighbour, left her rented accommodation in Bas Khusla village at Manesar. She took her nine-month-old daughter along as she started for her parental house at Khandsa village. The woman was first given a lift in a truck but the driver also initially molested her. He dropped her off on the busy NH-8 after she put up strong resistance.
As she waited there, the three accused, who were in an inebriated condition, offered her a lift in a tempo. The
vehicle was being driven by Jaikesh.
After the woman sat inside in their Magic Tempo, a four-wheeled mini auto, the accused started molesting her.”When my child started crying, they tried to smother my baby. And then they threw her on the footpath. I requested them to stop, saying my child is crying. After that they raped me on the road,” the victim said. “When I pleaded and requested to take back my daughter, they stopped the vehicle and took the child back but did not
hand her over to me,” she said.
They left her after four hours. The post-mortem said the death of the baby was caused by smothering and external injury, he said. Admitting lapses on the part of the police in acting promptly on the victim’s complaint, Khirwar had said that one woman sub-inspector was suspended.
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