Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh, who is currently serving a jail term for sexually assaulting two of his female devotees, recently underwent a health check up in Rohtak jail. Doctors who examined Ram Rahim claimed that he was a sex addict and cited this as a reason for his restlessness. Doctors including a psychiatrist examined Singh after he complained of uneasiness apart from diabetes.
The doctors stated that since Ram Rahim was away from physical pleasures, the self-styled godman was feeling uneasy and restless. The doctor further affirmed that the problem may increase if not treated.
“The baba is, in fact, a sex addict. He has no access to physical pleasures in the jail which is the cause for his restlessness. He can be treated. However, if the treatment is delayed, it can lead to a bigger problem,” a doctor was quoted as saying.
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A former member of the Dera had earlier claimed that Singh used to regularly consume energy drinks and sex tonics. Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh had previously demanded his close aide Honeypreet to stay with him in jail. Meanwhile, the police have issued a lookout notice against Honeypreet for allegedly planning an escape for Ram Rahim after his conviction.
In a bid to prove his innocence, Singh had told the court that he was impotent and “not medically and physically fit to have sex with anyone”. However, the court posed a counter question asking him how he had his daughter if he really was “impotent”. A special CBI court sentenced him to 20 years in prison in the 15-year-old rape case.
Source: India Today
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