Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal has turned 49 today and #HappybirthdayJantaKaCM is trending on Twitter today with thousands of birthday wishes pouring in for him. The Delhi CM who never shied away from unleashing his tirade against the prime minister Narendra Modi has went into virtaul shell since Aam Aadmi Party’s defeat in MCD and Punjab polls. Apart from occasional tweets, he seems to be focussing on his work only.
Kejriwal stormed into national scene with anti-corruption movement and later floated his own party which currently holds 67 out of 70 seats in Delhi assembly. Born on Aug 16, 1968 into a middle class family in Haryana’s Bhiwani district, Arvind was the eldest of the three children of Gobind Ram Kejriwal and Gita Devi. His father was an electrical engineer who graduated from the Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, and whose work led to many changes in the family’s residence. He completed his schooling in 1985. During his stint as an IRS officer, he started an NGO called Parivartan to help people with their tax related work without the hassle of paying bribe. He along with the likes of Aruna Roy had vociferously campaigned for Right to Information Act. He was awarded Raman Magsaysay Award for being an emerging leader in 2006.
Here are some of the little known facts about the crusader turned chief minister
1) A modest IRS officer
Even as he was a high ranking officer of Indian Revenue Services , Kejriwal refused to use services of a peon. He cleaned his desk himself and cleaned out his dustbin.
2) Yoga Practioner
Kejriwal is a strict vegetarian and keen practitioner of Vipassana for many years.He even meditates regularly.
3) Aamir Khan fan
Kejriwal is big fan of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan and loves watching comedy movies.
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4) Always a rebel
His father wanted him to be a doctor. He even put away some land in Hissar for a hospital but Kejriwal did not quite went ahead with his father’s plan and went into engineering college.
5) Successful Maiden attempts
Kejriwal has cracked IIT in his first attempt (1985), said to have cleared coveted civil services examination in his maiden attempt and of course became chief minister of Delhi in his first attempt.
6) Theatre
During his days in IIT Kharagpur, Kejriwal took keen interest in Theatre and acting. First step for a budding politician…
Also Read: Kapil Mishra drops another bomb on Arvind Kejriwal, asks Delhi CM to answer these 8 questions
7) Worked with Mother Teresa
After leaving Tata steel in 1992, Kejriwal he spent time in Kolkata.He also met Mother Teresa and volunteered with The Missionaries of Charity. He started working at the Kalighat Ashram and used to go all across Kolkata, helping the poor and sick on the footpaths and even people with gangrene.
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