In a recent development, the Delhi police has arrested a person who is supposed to be connected with the alleged rape of a 24-year-old female student in Delhi’s Hauz Khas Area which happened on February 18. The person arrested by the police lives in Chandra Vihar, New Delhi.
Following the report filed by the girl, the police has been examining the clues and the CCTV footage recovered from a nearby area to the place where the incident took place. The police has also questioned the parking attendants, private security guards of the Deer Park and other shopkeepers in the locality and finally reached to this person.
On February 18, a 24-year-old student was raped in Hauz Khas area of New Delhi. The victim girl had also lodged a complaint to the police which stated that she was waiting for a cab when two unknown men allegedly approached her. She was not alone but accompanied by her cousin sister. Further, the complaint said that the incident took place at around 11:30 pm in the night.
The student reported the crime to the personnel at a police picket near the park. The report further said that a sketch of the suspect’s face has been prepared based on the student’s description. Footage caught on CCTV also shows the accused’s friend chatting with the student’s cousin.
Also, the police had already registered the case under IPC section 376 (rape) and the investigation has been started on the basis of the inputs obtained from the student.
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