In a shocking incident, a police head constable allegedly raped his daughter at Mant police outpost on Yamuna Expressway here, police said today. The accused, who was later arrested and suspended, also beat up his daughter’s husband. The woman complained that her father, Bijendra Singh, raped her in the intervening night of June 26-27.
According to a PTI report, the accused head constable, who is due to retire on June 30, has been arrested, Deputy Superintendent of Police Sanjai Kumar Sagar said, adding he has also been suspended.
According to the police, the woman went to Agra on Monday for a doctor’s appointment from her mother’s place in a village of Ferozabad district. She later reached the police outpost in the evening to meet her father, where he was on duty. On her father’s suggestion, she stayed back at the police outpost where she was later raped by her father, according to the FIR.
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Bijendra is a father of four while the victim, his daughter, has two children. According to the FIR, her husband, who rushed to the police outpost from Chandigarh, after receiving his wife’s call, was also allegedly beaten up by his father-in-law.
The DSP said the head constable was arrested and suspended after the victim’s husband complained to SSP Vinod Kumar Mishra.
–With PTI inputs
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