Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japan PM Shinzo Abe inaugurated Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train project on Thursday. The estimated cost of the much-awaited project is Rs 1.10 lakh crore. While the project is expected to be completed by 2023, railway minister Piyush Goyal had affirmed that the project may end in 2022. The project is a joint venture between Indian Railways and Japan’s Shinkansen Technology.
The high-speed rail project is expected to reduce the travel time between two cities. The project which is conceptualised by PM Modi will reportedly commence on the day India celebrates its 75th year of Independence ie on August 15, 2022. A number of people across the country are thrilled about the ambitious project and are wondering how would it be like to travel on the bullet train.
It must be noted that India’s first bullet train will be based on Japanese Shinkansen E5 high-speed train which travels at a speed of 320 kmph. The train has three separate seating classes, namely GranClass, green class and ordinary class and has the capacity to carry 731 passengers.
Also Read: Not a bullet train yet, but these are 5 fastest trains currently running in India
While people may to have to wait a little longer to have a glimpse of India’s first bullet train, a 360 degree Google Street View of the three types of coaches that is available in the E5 series.
Green Class:
Ordinary car:
Gran class:
“Now is not the time to develop slowly, time doesn’t wait. Technology is growing at a fast rate and now our priority is high speed. Speed badegi, distance ghategi (speed will increase and distance will decrease) economic opportunities will open up. In any country economic growth can only happen when productivity happens,” the Prime Minister said while speaking at the inauguration ceremony.
Japan has extended a soft loan of Rs 88,000 crore at 0.1% interest rate for the high-speed rail project network in India.
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