Dera Sacha Sauda chief Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh who is currently serving a jail sentence of 20 years in Rohtak is reportedly earning Rs 20 a day in prison. Ram Rahim is reportedly earning the money by growing vegetables in the Sunaria jail. The vegetable that will be grown by Ram Rahim in the prison will not be sold used but be used to cook food in the jail. Ram Rahim Singh is working under the category of an unskilled labour.
If reports are to be believed, Ram Rahim is not being given any VIP treatment and is being treated like any other prisoner in jail. The self-styled godman who is the owns properties worth billions led a rather lifestyle before he was convicted in a 15-year-old rape case.
It was earlier reported that doctors who examined Ram Rahim in the jail have claimed that the Dera head was a sex addict due to which he was feeling restless and uneasy. Ram Rahim had earlier put in continued requests to meet his “adopted daughter” Honeypreet Insan. However, Honeypreet Insan has been the run and have topped Haryana most wanted list. Honeypreet has been accused of plotting and making a plan to help Ram Rahim escape from the court after his conviction. The Haryana police have also issued a lookout notice against Honeypreet and are making effort to nab “papa’s angel”.
Ram Rahim was sentenced to 20 years in prison for raping two of his devotees. Massive violence broke out across various parts of Haryana and Delhi following Ram Rahim’s conviction with his supporters going on a rampage and destroying public property. In a bid to escape conviction, Ram Rahim claimed that he was “impotent”. However, the special CBI rubbished his claim and asked him how he had a child if that was the case.
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