Prime Minister Narendra Modi on January 10 addressed a gathered at Vibrant Gujarat Summit which was a part of his 2-day visit in Gujarat. He also inaugurated the Coffee table book and policy documents at the 8th edition of Vibrant Gujarat Summit. While addressing the global investors at the Summit, Modi asserted that India is the nation of the vibrant youth.
Here are the key takeaways from the Prime Minister’s speech:
-” Gujarat, the land of Mahatma Gandhi and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, also represents the business spirit of India. India is a big investment market.”
-Over last 2 1/2 years, we’ve also evolved a culture of healthy competitions among the states, being rated on parameters on good governance. We have seen in last two and a half years that it is possible to deliver quick results in the democratic setup as well.
-India’s strength lies in three Ds- Democracy, Demography. and demand.
-India is a land of vibrant youth. India is also the second largest English speaking country. Moreover, the youth in our country are no more merely looking for jobs. They are willing to take risks and often strive to become an entrepreneur.
-India has become the fastest global economy in the world. Despite the global slowdown, we have registered maximum growth. We are seen the engine of the global growth.
Make in India has become the biggest brand that India ever had: Prime Minister Narendra Modi
— ANI (@ANI_news) January 10, 2017
-The government aims to provide roof over people’s head, jobs opportunities for one and all in addition to improving the infrastructural facilities.
-In doing this, digital technology has played a key role. I often say that e-governance is easy and effective governance. Believe me, we are on a threshold of becoming the world’s most digitised economy.
-India is a land of opportunities and is committed to protecting the environment while providing opportunities.
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