Security at Delhi’s one of the favourites hang out places, Hauz Khas Village (HKV) has been beefed up and the police are closing down venues by 11 pm every night. The step is being taken by the police after it received the information that the banned terror outfits are planning to strike cafes and restaurants at HKV (as it popularly known) and foreign visitors being the target of these outfits. All the cafes and eateries have been instructed to keep a tight vigil on those coming there.
In the case of suspicion, owners of the eateries have been asked to inform the police. Also, special teams have been deployed in the Hauz Khas village to keep a close tab on those visiting HKV as police suspects that the terrorists might visit the place to do a recce.
As per the Delhi Police, the foreign visitors are being the target of terror outfits. Deputy Commissioner of Police (south) Ishwar Singh said, “We have stepped up measures due to recent terror attacks in European countries”.
However, the owners of restaurants at the HKV seemed not very pleased with the decision of shutting down of venues by 11 pm every night, Riyaaz Amlani, president of National Restaurant Association of India (NRAI), said, “Police have been shutting down venues by 11 pm every night, which has destroyed businesses in the area… Protection does not mean asking people to stay home.”
Also Read: Going out partying? Let this woman’s scary encounter at Hauz Khas Village be a lesson
More security has been provided by the police to the restaurants which are famous among the foreign nationals and which are visited by them frequently. The police are also planning to put up metal detectors at the entry and exit gates of the Hauz Khas village and also at the parking area.
Also Read: Hauz Khas rape case: Policemen posed as Aadhaar officials to arrest accused
The owner of another popular restaurant in HKV, on condition of anonymity, said “Officers on duty don’t seem to know why security has been increased… How is shutting down bars the solution?”
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