They’ve done it again! After stirring a controversy for ruthlessly calling out Bollywood actor Kamal Haasan and saying that people like him should be ‘shot dead’, Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Sabha is back in the news. This time, the right-winged organisation has triggered another controversy by installing an idol of Nathuram Godse, observing his death anniversary, in Gwalior’s city office. Nathuram Godse was hanged to death on November 15, 1949.
Earlier, the Mahasabha had asked the district administration for land for building a temple dedicated to Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin in the city. However, when their proposal was rejected, they decided to go ahead and install it in their office on Wednesday, November 15.
Here are a few photos:
#MadhyaPradesh: Observing the death anniversary of Nathuram Godse, Akhil Bharatiya Hindu Sabha built a temple and installed Godse’s idol inside their office in Gwalior, yesterday
— ANI (@ANI) November 16, 2017
Reacting to the incident, leader of opposition in the state, Ajay Singh demanded a case of treason be lodged against those involved in the case. However, Bhartiya Janta Party and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad distanced themselves from the incident saying that they had no part to play in the installation of the statue.
Meanwhile, Tweeps had an interesting take on the incident. Check out what they have to say:
#Nathuram #Godse temple inaugurated in #Gwalior by Akhil Bhartiya #Hindu Mahasabha #India becomes first country to worship #terrorists @AisiTaisiDemo @RoflGandhi_ @SusuSwamy @free_thinker @INCIndia @AamAadmiParty
— Gourav Jaiswal (@gouravjaiswal) November 15, 2017
Proud of Hindu Mahsabha’s plan for temple for Nathuram Godse in Gwalior. Celebrating Murderers as the champions of religion was the only thing in which terrorists of the Islamic State, Al Qaeda and the likes were still ahead of their Hindutva brethren!
— Samar (@Samar_Anarya) November 16, 2017
Why wouldn’t this office be sealed & the office bearers tried for sedition? Because Brown shirts are always kept at an arm’s length but never punished. They are the foot soldiers who win elections.
— Nikhil (@nikhil_thatte) November 15, 2017
The terrorism of majority is called nationalism.
— sahir (@shkspeaks) November 16, 2017
They r nationalists who killed gandhi ji so why do u criticize the ppl of kashmir those who praise burhan wani
— ASHISH ROY (@i_ashishroy) November 16, 2017
— Shail (@ayazshail) November 16, 2017
If Liberals had sympathy with dreaded terrorist Yakub Menon, then why they are shying away from Nathuram Godse. Yakub & Godse are in same category. Only difference one is Muslim other one is Hindu.
— YOGESH JOSHI (@ykjoshi) November 16, 2017
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