Amid a row over the use of loudspeakers at religious places, Moradabad village in Uttar Pradesh has decided to remove all the speakers from temples and mosques to restore communal harmony in the town. The police officials have claimed that the situation in the village remained tense for the last few years over the issue of loudspeakers at the various religious place of both the communities.
The official also expressed happiness about the fact that both the communities had resolved the issue with dialogue amicably. “Police and district administration of Moradabad is full of praise for the initiative taken by the elders of both the communities who amicably resolved the issue in the holy month of Ramzan,” Circle officer (rural) Chakramani Tripathi was quoted as saying.
A number of incidents of violence were reported from this village in the past 3 years. A resident of the village said that the communal tension in the village would often lead to violence over the use of loudspeakers. A number of police cases were also registered at the local police station leading to the arrest of the people who participated in the violence.
Read More: Sonu Nigam Azaan row: No religion advocates blaring prayers through loudspeakers, says HC
“Outsiders who had nothing to do with the village used to ignite communal tension which would often lead to violence. Later, police cases were filed against members of both the communities and many of us landed in jail. It took us a long while to see through their game-plan. Once things became clear to us, we decided to talk to each other which worked in everybody’s favour,” Dinesh Singh, a resident said.
Meanwhile, a Muslim resident of the village affirmed that “Violence is an act of Satan” and that it was in the holy month of Ramzan that they had decided to remove loudspeakers from the mosques.
Source: Times Of India
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