In a shocking case of hit and run, a head constable of Delhi Police allegedly mowed down the mother of an IAS officer in the capital city, Delhi. The IAS officer identified as Arun Baroka is reportedly posted as n the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, on Madhu Limaye Marg in Chanakyapuri.
According to a PTI report, the woman was rushed to the hospital but succumbed to her injuries. The accused who has been identified as Chandra Bhan, 40, allegedly went on to repair his vehicle in a bid to hide evidence against him. The report further stated that Bhan was arrested by the police officials but was released on bail from the Chanakyapuri police station.
BK Singh, Deputy Commissioner of Police (New Delhi), told news agency, PTI that the head constable was held and charged for fiddling with the evidence apart from his other offences. The police managed to track him down on the basis of the statement given by an eyewitness who noted down the two digits of the vehicle of the accused. The eyewitness who reportedly worked as a domestic help in the area told the investigating officers that the vehicle carried a police sticker on it. Following which, the police officers spoke to the mechanics in the neighbouring areas and hunted the driver of the car down on June 18.
The accused had parked his vehicle in the area where he had given his car for repairs. Bhan, eventually, confessed to his crime. He told the police that the incident took place when he was on his way home. Bhan added that he ran away from the scene out of fear.
The mother of IAS officer was out for a walk when the accident occurred. Her grandson rushed her to the Primus Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries during treatment.
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