In an unusual incident, a Lok Sabha MP has reportedly filed a complaint alleging that he was drugged and videographed in an “objectionable position” by a group of woman who has allegedly demanded R 5 crore as extortion money.
According to reports in the Times of India, the woman gang has threatened to release the pictures if the MP did not fulfil their demands. Additionally, the woman has also threatened to file a rape case against him if he refused to give them the money they have asked for.
The reports suggested that the police officials have confirmed the incident and that they were probing the incident. However, no arrests have been made as yet. The police have also filed an FIR under section 384 (extortion) of the IPC. The police officials are currently making efforts to nab the woman.
The woman who was apparently known to the MP asked for some help and urged him to come with her to place in Ghaziabad city of Uttar Pradesh. He further claimed that the woman spiked his drink on reaching the place after which he fell unconscious. The police officials have set up a special team to investigate the case.
“We have found that her modus operandi is to approach parliamentarians on pretext of seeking help and then befriend them by her smooth talk. She then takes them to her house for tea and then clicks their pictures in objectionable poses. After that, she demands money or a high flying job. If refused, she threatens to register a fake case of rape,” Times of India quoted an investigating officer as saying.
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