In a shocking incident that took place in Uttar Pradesh’s Moradabad district, a government officer shot dead a dog for barking at him and his dog in a Kashiram Nagar area of the city.
After the incident came to light, the police arrested the man and he has been booked under various sections of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. Also the gun used by him is seized by the police. It happened on the evening of March 25, when the accused who is a retired UP government official was on walk in the area.
An eyewitness said that a dog barked at the man once but he opened fire at the dog and shot him thrice.
Moradabad (UP): Dog shot dead by a UP govt officer for barking at him & his dog at Kashiram Nagar; shooter arrested by police.
— ANI UP (@ANINewsUP) March 26, 2017
However, the accused said that he took the step in ‘self-defence’. Meanwhile, animal activists are up in arms about the horrific incident. An animal right activist with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Nikunj Sharma told CNN-News 18, “This man is a threat to society. You don’t whip out a gun at the slightest irritant. It is like a road rage incident.”
Sharma added, “The problem is that the law is weak. He will escape with a fine. He might do it again. In other countries there are databases of people who perpetrate such acts on animals. But nothing like this exists in India.”
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