A daily wage labourer from Kerala has recently become social media’s latest singing sensation all thanks to a video of him that was uploaded on the internet. In the video, Rakesh Nooranadu, a resident of Alappuzha district was seen singing Unnai Kaanadhu Naan, a hit Tamil song from the film Vishwaroopam. The video became an instant hit and went viral on social media. But Rakesh was unaware about all this since the video was uploaded by his friend. Little did he realise that he would be noticed by none other than Shankar Mahadevan, India’s famous singer and music director.
Mahadevan, who sang the original song tweeted this:
This is called fruit of labour!
When we hear this, it just makes me feel so so proud of our country that produces so much talent and is so rich in culture. Who is this guy???
How can I trace him?
Need help & would like to work with him. pic.twitter.com/SWqGQkmChb— Shankar Mahadevan (@Shankar_Live) June 30, 2018
The singer was so impressed that he called Rakesh and even offered him a singing opportunity. Many people from the film industry also gave him a call.
A similar incident had happened last year where a man from Uttarakhand became famous after a video of him singing at Haldwani railway station viral and got more than 6 million views.
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