A speech impaired teenage girl was rescued by the anti-human trafficking unit of Ghaziabad police, the girl who is an orphan was allegedly sold and raped by many men in various cities of Uttar Pradesh. Reportedly, she was being sexually harassed for past five years. The 19-year-old shared the ordeal with the police by writing about it.
Her parents who hailed from West Bengal came to Uttar Pradesh in search of employment. After getting a job at a local factory in Saharanpur they shifted there. Due to health problem they both died and the girl, who was then 14, started working as a help in the house of one Fukran.
The girl who has studied till class 8 gave all the information to the police by writing of how she landed at Fukran’s place and then sold to several other men where she was sexually assaulted.
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As per a report in the Hindustan Times, Priyanjali Mishra, counsellor at government’s ‘Asha Jyoti Kendra, who is also counselling the girl said, “Furkan used to rape the girl, then a minor, when she worked at his house in Saharanpur. Later, he and his wife roped in Akshay and they sold her to Mehdi Hasan and Saad Malik of Ghaziabad. As per the victim, Akshay, Hasan and Malik also raped her before selling her to Anil Kashyap in Murad Nagar”.
Kashyap also forced her to marry him but she refuted. Last month, police got a call from about the girl, the Saharanpur police with the help of Ghaziabag counterparts launched an operation to find the girl. After extensive search, the police was able to trace the girl on July 11.
Chandramohan Srivastava, district probation officer, “When our teams rescued her from Murad Nagar, Kashyap claimed that she was married to her. However, all he had as proof was a piece of paper with the signature of the girl. In fact, the witnesses were Akshay, Malik and Hasan, who had sold her to Kashyap”.
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