Massive violence broke out in Panchkula soon after a special CBI court convicted Dera Cheif Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh in a 15-year-old rape case on Friday. Lakhs of Dera supporters went on a rampage in Haryana and other neighbouring areas set many vehicles and government buildings on fire. There were also reports of some of the police officers in Haryana turning their backs and running for cover when the Dera followers attacked them.
While several cops fled, this woman Deputy commissioner, Gauri Parasher Joshi took stock of the situation and made an effort to control the unruly mob. Gauri Joshi who had left her 11-month-old baby back home also suffered injuries in a bid to calm down the huge crowd of people that had gathered in Panchkula. Understanding the gravity of the situation, she went to her office with a single PSO and issued an order asserting that the Army should take over.
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A local from Panchkula affirmed that had the Army not been called in severe damages could have been caused. “Had the Army not come in, the residential area would have seen unprecedented devastation. We have been serving the local police with tea and biscuits for last few days, but the moment the Dera followers went on a rampage the local police was the first to run,” a local was quoted as saying.
Gauri who is a 2009 batch IAS officer reached home at 3 am but only after she had gone about taking rounds across the city to ensure that the situation was under control while dispersing the agitators.
Over 36 have lost their lives and over 300 have been left injured in the violence unleashed by Ram Rahim’s followers following the Dera chief verdict.
Source: Economic Times
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