On November 8, Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi, in a surprising announcement, declared the denominations of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 as illegal tender. This decision not only troubled the common people a lot but also pushed the married couples towards a brawl.
On the basis of the report card of last three months, the volunteers at Gauravi – One Stop Assistance centre establishes at JP Hospital – have claimed that the demonetisation has resulted in increased feud between husband and wives.
In several cases of the domestic feud, women have complained to the centre that they handed over the banned notes to their husbands to get them exchanged with the new ones but their husbands didn’t return them. Whenever asked about the new currency, the husbands say that the money eventually belonged to them and was just hidden from them.
Sarika Sinha, Gauravi director who is state co-ordinator of anti women harassment NGO Action Aid said,“Demonetisation has led to a rise in feuds between husband and wife.”
She also mentioned that around 200 cases of domestic feuds were reported to the centre out of which 25% were due to demonetisation. She said,“We are counselling the sparring couples to resolve their issues.”
Gauravi, which helps helps women victims of domestic violence, sexual offences and other crimes, was established by Ministry of Women and Child Welfare in the year 2014.
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