Hyderabad police arrested a 33 year old man named Syed Shahid Hussain on Sunday, January 1 for growing marijuana in his 3 BHK apartment in Manikonda – a residential suburb in Hyderabad.
The police officers arrested the man while he was selling marijuana to the customers.The officials also seized approximately nine kg of marijuana along with 40 pots containing its plants. According to the press reports, man was using 2 out of 3 rooms of his flat for cultivating marijuana in the pots that were kept under UV lights while the temperature was controlled by air conditioner and a table fan.
Along with the plants the police officials also found all the items which are necessary for growing marijuana like weighing machine, four 25 KG coco fiber peat, five Flora pellet, One Aquadene, about 100 grams of Potassium, about one kg of clay stones, one Pushpa floor powder and the likes.
As per the reports a senior police official also confirmed that the main reason behind cultivating marijuana plants in his apartment was to avoid trouble in getting the stuff from far-off places and to escape from police in doing the same. He did it on the advice of his friend, who lives in US and learned the process of growing marijuana indoors by watching videos on internet.
The man contacted one of his friend named Garith Christopher from the US as approximately three months ago after he thought of growing cannabis indoors. Hence following his friend’s advise he saw some videos and learnt the art of cultivating weed indoors. Then he started the process of marijuana cultivation after purchasing all the necessary items.
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