In a shocking incident, a school girl in Hyderabad was forced to stand in boys’ toilet as a punishment for not turning up in proper uniform. As soon as the incident came to light, several human rights bodies and child care organisations have demanded a case against the school administration under Protection of Children Against Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.
The girl said that the PTI teacher had caught her while on way to the first floor. The girl kept on repeating the reason for coming to the school in coloured uniform and the same being mentioned in the school diary, but nobody paid heed to her explanations.
“I told the truth that my mother washed it so I could not wear the uniform. I also tried to explain that my parents have written a note in my school diary for the excuse. But she did not listen to me and continued to shout. She later pulled me to the boys’ toilet and made me stand there,” the ANI quoted her as saying.
Adding further, the victim said that the other students also laughed at her plight. After five minutes the PT teacher allowed her to go back to the class with a warning to not repeat the ‘mistake’. The girl was traumatised and decided to not go back to the school.
Meanwhile, Telangana minister KT Rama Rao condemned the incident and assured that the matter will be taken up with the concerned minister.
Ridiculous & absolutely inhuman. Will take it up with Hon’ble Deputy CM education for appropriate action on the school
— KTR (@KTRTRS) September 10, 2017
Also read: Ryan school murder: 8 loopholes in the 7-year-old Gurugram student’s death case
The incident comes days after a 7-year-old boy was found murdered with his throat slit inside the washroom of Ryan International School in Gurugram. Ashok Kumar, the 42-year-old bus conductor has been arrested for killing the Class 2 student.
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