32 runners from across India including 25 IAF officers and airmen ran 4,500 km in 45 days from Kargil to Kohima. The ‘ultra-marathon’ was flagged off on September 21 from Kargil War Memorial, Drass to commemorate the 20th year of Kargil War.
The team crossed 3 major passes and ran 100 km a day crossing Ladakh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam to reach Nagaland on November 6 to commemorate the 1944 Battle of Kohima.
Team leader Razdan told EastMojo,
“The team started in ultra-cold climate temperatures about minus 6 to minus 8 and thereafter we progressed from the low-density oxygen area of the hills towards Leh and finally crossed three major passes in which maximum altitude that we touched was 17,500 ft. And through those terrain of rugged, where there were no tress and lack of oxygen, we ran through 100 km a day as a team effort and finally came down to the plains.”
The aim of the expedition was to promote pedestrian safety.
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