In January, BSF constable Tej Bahadur Yadav had created a stir after he released a video complaining of bad food and near-starvation at Army camps. The video had gone viral initiating debates about the state of comforts given to our soldiers. Yadav is back with more. In a new video, he has alleged that his mobile is being tampered with and he is being persecuted for coming out and speaking about the issues concerning the quality of food in the camps.
Addressing Prime Minister Narendra Modi directly in the video, Yadav questioned whether he deserved justice or not. In the video reportedly released by his family, he can be heard saying that he exposed corruption in his department since the Prime Minister wanted to fight corruption. “I appeal to all to ask the PM why I am being tortured,” he said.
He also claimed that there are several reports being fielded against him and asked people not to believe in any false rumours about him until he comes up with his own video.
In the video, the BSF jawan alleges that his phone was taken away on January 10 and may have been tampered with to show that he has contacts in Pakistan. However, BSF officials say that his phone was confiscated as part of the court of inquiry proceedings as an evidence.
After the second video surcafed, the Union Home Ministry has taken serious note. One of the senior officials even termed it as “gross indiscipline” on the part of Yadav.
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