Setting an example of communal harmony, a temple in Kerala’s Malappuram district organised an Iftar party for the Muslims during the month of Ramzan. The Shree Narasimhamoorthy Temple in Punnathala was earlier planning for a mass banquet but zeroed in on hosting an iftar. During the month of Ramzan, when Muslims break their fast, that meal is called Iftar.
As many as 400 Muslims including men, women and children took part in the vegetarian iftar party hosted by the temple. Recently, members of the Muslim community helped in the restoration of this temple which was not in a very good condition.
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The temple committee started the renovation work and the members of Muslims community came out in support of it and contributed to its restoration. On June 4, the idol of Lord Vishnu which is centuries old will be reinstalled.
PT Mohanan, Temple Committee Secretary said, “We have grown up in an atmosphere of religious harmony. What matters for us is humanity, not religion. Everybody has the right to follow their religion or caste, but it does not mean that we should not be friendly to people of other religions. We should not close our heart from welcoming people of other religions”.
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He added that the expenses incurred in restoring the temple cost around Rs 20 lakh and the majority of it was borne by Muslims. Not only financially but they also helped in the restoration work of the temple which started on May 29. Mohanan said that this village is an example of religious harmony and is indeed a lesson for those whose think on communal lines.
(Source: The News Minute, Hindustan Times)
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