With growing incidents of cow vigilante across India, the Meo panchayat of Alwar in Rajasthan has decided to request Prime Minister Narendra Modi to declare cow as the national animal of India. Announcing cow as the national animal will bring a uniform law, right now different states have different laws.
According to The Indian Express, Sher Mohammad, the chief of Meo Panchayat said, “We want the cow to be declared the national animal. This will bring in more restrictions and hopefully put an end to illegal businesses surrounding a dead cow. This will settle the whole debate”. The Meo Muslims from Haryana and Bharatpur were also present in the meeting.
On April 1, Pehlu Khan a Meo Muslim was thrashed by the alleged cow vigilantes in Alwar when he was on his way to Haryana after transporting cows from Rajasthan. Khan succumbed to injuries two days after the incident. He was accompanied by his two sons Irshad, Aarif and some other Muslim diary members from his village who were set out to cattle festival in Jaipur to get cheap cows which would have helped him double the milk production.
“The declaration of the cow as the national animal would ban cow slaughter across the nation. It would bring a uniform law and end the current situation where different states have different laws,” said Ramzan Choudhary, a lawyer.
Azmat, Irshad, Arif and Rafiq who were also thrashed with Pehlu were given the anticipatory bail from the High Court. All four of them booked under the Rajasthan Bovine Animal Act.
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