On Tuesday, Bengaluru Traffic Police launched a quirky campaign using the Hindu God of Death ‘Yamaraja’ to teach motorists about traffic rules. The Halasuru Gate Traffic Police employed theatre artiste Veeresh, who dressed up as a mace-wielding Yamaraja, to intercept motorists who violate traffic rules.
“We are observing July as a road safety month. As part of it, we are conducting various programmes such as lectures in schools and colleges and street-plays,” Deputy Commissioner of traffic police Anupam Agrawal told PTI.
Bengaluru: Man dressed as Lord Yamraj(god of death) intercepted bikers without helmets as part of Traffic Police’s campaign to spread road safety awareness in the city. (10.7.18) pic.twitter.com/3swQipLIH5
— ANI (@ANI) July 11, 2018
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“Also, we thought of using the character Yama to send the message across that if you disobey the traffic rules, Yama will come to your home,” he added. Yamaraja also rode pillion for some of the motorists who were found to be driving recklessly.
According to the Bengaluru Traffic Police, the campaign was launched in a bid to raise awareness about the importance of traffic safety rules. Till June-end, 2,336 accidents were reported, out of which, 330 were fatal. In 2017, 609 fatal accidents were reported out of a total of 5,064 accidents in Bengaluru.
(With inputs from PTI)
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