Tamil Nadu Governor Banwarilal Purohit has apologised after courting controversy as he patted a journalist on the cheek instead of answering her question at a press conference in Chennai on Tuesday. Purohit’s apology came after nearly journalists wrote to him, demanding an apology.
Following his completion of six months in office on Tuesday, the Governor had called for a press meet at the Raj Bhavan. As Purohit was exiting from the press meet, senior journalist Lakshmi Subramanian, asked him a question. However, Purohit patted her cheek “patronisingly” without her consent in response.
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Expressing how “agitated and angered” she felt, Subramanian, who works for The Week, shared a picture of the incident on Twitter.
I asked TN Governor Banwarilal Purohit a question as his press conference was ending. He decided to patronisingly – and without consent – pat me on the cheek as a reply. @TheWeekLive pic.twitter.com/i1jdd7jEU8
— Lakshmi Subramanian (@lakhinathan) April 17, 2018
“This, moments after he dismissed a barrage of questions about allegations of sexual misconduct against himself. Unprofessional behaviour – and completely uncalled for to touch a stranger without her consent, especially a woman,” Subramanian tweeted.
“Washed my face several times. Still not able to get rid of it,” she added.
On Wednesday, Purohit responded to Subramanian, apologising for his actions. In an email, Purohit wrote, “You had asked a question when we had got up and were proceeding to leave after the close of the Press Conference. I considered that question to be a good one. Therefore, as an act of appreciation for the question that you had posed, I gave a pat on your cheek considering you to be like my granddaughter. It was done with affection and to express my appreciation for your performance as a journalist since I was also a member of that profession for about 40 years. I do understand from your mail that you are feeling hurt about the incident. I wish to express my regret and my apologies to assuage your sentiments that have been hurt. I suppose you will respond through a mail of acknowledgement.”
#BreakingNews : Tamil Nadu Governor #BanwarilalPurohit apologies to @TheWeekLive journalist for patting on her cheek on Tuesday. #Nirmaladevi #TamilNadu | @DeccanHerald pic.twitter.com/oCCYWzUq54
— Sivapriyan E.T.B. (@sivaetb) April 18, 2018
Earlier, during the conference, Purohit intended to clear the air around his alleged involvement in the ‘Sex for Degrees’ case, where a Madurai Kamaraj University professor, Nirmala Devi, advised her students “to adjust with some officials” for marks and money. In the viral audio clip, where Devi could be heard luring students towards sexual favours, she had claimed to be close to the Governor, who is also the chancellor of the university.
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Purohit had dismissed the allegations as “baseless” and added, “I have not seen her face till date. What are you talking? It is nonsense.”
As the conference ended and Purohit stood up to leave, Subramanian had posed another question. She detailed the incident in a report on The Week, saying, “‘Sir, you said you are satisfied with the government’s performance. Are you satisfied when it comes to the performance of universities too,’ I asked him. He didn’t hear me at all. Instead, he patted on my left cheek and got away. It was a crowded press conference, and I was transfixed for a moment by that gesture. Lavanya tried to console me.”
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Several people, even political leaders MK Stalin and Kanimozhi, had jumped to the journalist’s defence and condemned the actions of the Governor. Stalin tweeted, “It is not just unfortunate. It is absolutely unbecoming of someone who is in political office.”
— M.K.Stalin (@mkstalin) April 17, 2018
Even if the intention is above suspicion, a person who holds a public office has to understand that there is a decorum to it and violating a woman journalist’s personal space does not reflect the dignity or the respect which should be shown to any human being.
— Kanimozhi (@KanimozhiDMK) April 17, 2018
Highly Condemnable!
“Edmond Locard developed what has become known as Locard’s Exchange Principle. This states that “every contact leaves a trace ”.
Governor have unconsciously proved this by his indecent behavior towards a woman journalist @lakhinathan
— Ravikumar (@WriterRavikumar) April 17, 2018
I am sure Banwarilal Purohit has never met such combative reporters before.
— Dhanya Rajendran (@dhanyarajendran) April 17, 2018
Over 200 journalists, mainly from Tamil Nadu, had rallied behind Subramanian, demanding an apology from the Governor for his “unbecoming conduct” in an email.
Around 200 journalists not just from TN but from all over the country have written to the TN Governor demanding an apology for his unbecoming conduct towards @lakhinathan yesterday. The letter has been sent as an email to the Governor. @rashtrapatibhvn @rajnathsingh @PMOIndia pic.twitter.com/E9vBaIBIbK
— Sandhya Ravishankar (@sandhyaravishan) April 18, 2018
Following the Governor’s apology, Subramanian tweeted:
Your Excellency, I have with me your letter expressing regret at what happened at the press conference in Chennai the previous day. I accept your apology, even though I am not convinced about your contention that you did it to appreciate a question I asked. @TheWeekLive
— Lakshmi Subramanian (@lakhinathan) April 18, 2018
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