Three police officers posted at Vijay Vihar police station in New Delhi’s Rohini area have been awarded ‘Asadharan Karya Puraskar’ for solving dozens of missing children cases in their area. Probationary sub-inspectors Divya Mann and Anuj Mor who worked under the supervision of SHO Abhinendra Jain received the honour for their spectacular work.
In the last six year, 82 cases of children going missing were reported in Vijay Vihar Police Station. Inspector Abhinendra, SHO Vijay Vihar and probationary sub-inspectors Divya Mann and Anuj worked hard and traced 77 of them, DCP (Rohini) Rishi Pal said.These 77 minors were recovered from different areas in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
“It was taking a lot of time but then Mor joined, and in the next three months, we solved around 50 cases together,” Mann told Indian Express. While digging through records, the duo discovered that over 100 missing children cases were pending between 2011 and 2016. Subsequently, they worked diligently to bring down that figure.
Last June, the police team began a special exercise of looking for the missing children and started talking to the families. Initially, the families were apprehensive in sharing the details and they had to be convinced.
The cops had took on different roles to trace the missing children, from struggling for two days to locate a house to counselling parents before reuniting the family and faking an identity on social media, they went out of the way to achieve their goal.
“I have been eating a lot of sweets for the last three months; the families we help keep leaving it for us,” said Mor, who had joined the force in 2015.
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