In a surprising incident, residents of a Telangana village dug up a 20-feet pit on the National Highway in pursuit of a Shivalinga on June 5. According to news reports, a man claimed of dreaming about a Shivalinga buried underground, following which the villagers, including the municipal vice-chairman ‘excavated’ a fully functional and important highway connecting Hyderabad and Warangal.
The ruckus brought traffic to a standstill and the police intervened hours later when it was too late.
A man named – Manoj, claimed that he saw Lord Shiva in his dreams who conveyed to him that a Shivalinga was buried near the village. Manoj told the village leaders that the Linga had to be excavated and a temple built in the same place. Carried away by his claims, the villagers agreed to dig up a National Highway where the Linga was supposedly buried.
In a video that was shot by those witness to this madness, Manoj is seen swaying and shaking vigorously inside the pit that was dug out. But despite digging for over 20-feet no Shivalinga was found.
Video Courtesy: YouTube
The villagers reportedly used shovels, earth movers to dig up the pit. Following the incident, six people, including the village leader were arrested for damaging public property.
The police were appalled at the confidence the locals showed towards Manoj who claimed to have dreamt about a buried Shivalinga.
According to a senior police official, investigation is on. The pit has been closed, for now, to ensure smooth traffic flow and action against those arrested will be initiated.
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