In order to keep itself updated with the technology, Indian Army will soon have artificial robots. The Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CAIR), which in past have made robots, is in the process of developing Multi Agent Robotics Framework (MARF).
The robots which are in the process of making for past eight months can be used in the Pathankot kind incidents.
“We will have a multi-layered architecture which will enable collaboration amongst a team of robots. The heterogeneous composition and collaboration capability can effectively contribute in applications such as surveillance, exploration and mapping, search and rescue, among others.” as per the report published in The Economic Times.
Focusing on making such robots that can work under complex situation, another source said, “The aim is to equip our armed forces with systems that are self-reliant, adaptable and fault-tolerant.”
The robots are being made in a way so that they are efficient in working in different conditions. Source said, “Extensive research in locomotion technology is underway to cater to specific needs of these terrain types- mountains, desert, rural, urban , outdoor, indoor, each present a unique locomotion challenge to a robotic platform”.
Many special algorithms are required so that robots can navigate and work on their own and task becomes more difficult when the robots need to work as a team, therefore, getting algorithms right is much needed. “While we have built a series of algorithms in the past, things are advancing in artificial intelligence. And this particular system will require a special algorithms which are also being developed”, said the source.
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