Muslims in India waving green flags has often invited the ire of Hindutva right-wing groups.
In 2o12, six members of Sri Rama Sena group were arrested in Karnataka for hoisting a Pakistani flag atop a government building, located in a Muslim majority area.
Earlier this year, a video of Muslim pilgrims being harassed by unidentified men for hanging a green flag on the bus went viral. In the video, the group of men abuse the pilgrims, who by the registration number of the bus seem to belong from West Bengal. Calling the pilgrims ‘Pakistanis’, the men asked the group of elderly pilgrims to bring down the flag and trampled on it.
But, why are Muslims seen as culprits whenever they hoist green flags?
Muslims often get labelled as “Pakistanis” or “anti-nationals”, if they are seen holding a green flag or even if they are generally hanging out around a green flag. The problem is that people see a green flag and they immediately think “Pakistan”.
The truth is that while all Muslim flags might be green. It doesn’t necessarily mean that all of them are Pakistani flags. Muslim majority countries like Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Iran, Sudan and Libya have flags with green in them.
Even the crescent and star is a part of the Turkish, Algerian and Tunisian flags. Which brings us to the question: Why is green so commonly used in the Muslim world?
It’s because green has a paramount significance in Islam. While it was the favourite colour of Prophet Muhammad, it’s widely believed that the Prophet constantly used to wear a green cloak and a green turban.
Referring to the people of paradise in chapter 76, the significance of green is duly brought forth in the Holy Quran.
“Upon the inhabitants will be green garments of fine silk and brocade. And they will be adorned with bracelets of silver, and their Lord will give them a purifying drink.” (Chapter 76, verse 21).
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