In association with Delhi Police, Indian budget airliner IndiGo has initiated a scheme to carry dead bodies of underprivileged North-East Indian residents, who would die in the National capital, to their homes for free. Terming the initiative “Aakhri Ahuti”, an IndiGo release said that it’s a humanitarian move to ferry the human remains of the deceased to their native in North-East Indian states.
According to the release, “Aakhiri Ahuti” was launched on January 12.
“There have been several incidents in which people from northeastern states residing in Delhi died. They were buried or cremated in Delhi without their kith or kin being present. Due to financial problems, relatives of the deceased couldn’t take the body back to their native place,” the release said.
“Only on the recommendations from the northeast unit of Delhi Police, IndiGo would ferry the human remains on a case to case basis.”
“Over 12 lakh people hailing from different northeastern states are working in different sectors like malls, Private companies, BPOs, hospitals, hotels and restaurants and as security guards.
“Ferrying human remains from Delhi to the northeast by air is a costly affair. For the underprivileged people from the northeast region, this service is a great relief from both financial and emotional point of views,” the release said quoting Joint Commissioner of Delhi Police Robin Hibu.
The release also mentioned the words of IndiGo’s whole time director Aditya Ghosh’s words, saying that it was an hounour for the IndiGo family to co-partner with Delhi Police for this initiative.
In 2004, the Gurgaon-based airline launched its service to the northeast region.
Currently, Indigo flies to five cities in the northeast from Delhi. The cities include Agartala (Tripura), Guwahati and Dibrugarh (both Assam), Chabwa (Nagaland) and Imphal (Manipur)
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